Thanks to all who attended our sectional on Thursday. We are moving along, but there’s still so much to learn. We can do it! By this Thursday, March 2, we need to learn Singin’ the 70s, Never One Thing, and Bridge Over Troubled Water. We rehearsed all of them this week, so if you need me to send you a recording, let me know. Start learning Harriet Tubman, You Will Be Found, and A Place in the Choir, which are the songs we need to learn by March 9. These target dates are when we should try to put away our music and sing from memory. The sooner we can do that, the sooner we can watch Lisa and figure out which parts we need to work on.
As always, we need a rounder sound on all songs!
Take deeper breaths so we don’t have to breathe during phrases. Rounder tone.
25-33: no breath
67: sing “mount” louder
103: “I” is an 1/8 note
132: “And” is an A (not an E) and an 1/8 note, not a ¼ note
134: “will” is a quarter note
152: so crucial that we watch Lisa for the timing
Lisa says, “This song needs to be perfect next week.”
65, 69: sing “la la la” on all the notes played in the treble clef
25: “sky” should sound more like skah
26: enunciate the “t” in “what”
79: no breath between “so” and “take”
89 vs. 97: notice that we sing different notes
Dynamics are so important!
23: a few are still missing the timing on “some”
38, 70: remember “ca” is a ¼ note
5: don’t go wide on “weary”
21: important that “water” is unison
24-25: airy and light sound “like a bridge”
32-33: gently “I will comfort you”
43: “troubled water” in unison
53: learn that G at the start of the measure because the Sop2s are on an A that rubs
11-13: those “hoo”s are tough. Keep practicing, and the timing will come.
41-66: observe the quick rests to keep the energy up
67: cut off quickly
81: no breath between “name” and “I’ll”
No vibrato at all in this song. Watch for lots of changes in dynamics.
12: look at timing of “honey.” “Hon” is an 1/8 note and we move pitches on “ey”
19: extra stress on “one” and “no”
43: stress “fight”
95-96: practice the timing
122: unison
123: no breath between “belly” and “I”